
SEO Freelance services and SEO / UX Training days in-house throughout the UK

Search Engine Optimisation is a double barrelled gun which includes ‘on-site’ SEO and marketing, lowering your bounce rate and increasing the time spent on site with effective marketing tips and a call to action, and ‘off-site’ driving much more traffic to your site via backlinks and boosting organic results in Google and other search engines.

I am an independent consultant so do not have large overheads and I am able to provide services at a competitive cost when compared with a Digital Agency. On site visits locally in Bristol and Somerset can be arranged, however 99% of my work is carried out remotely over email and Zoom/Teams/Skype.

SEO benefits can be demonstrated by opening a YouTube channel, Google owns YouTube so when you embed a video in your website blog, or any landing page, there are ranking benefits.

My exclusive 30 Day SEO Booster has evolved every year since it’s launch back in 2008, this fixed fee package does not tie you down to a monthly contract and it covers on-page SEO content writing, page sculpting and off-page backlinking strategy via Video SEO and YouTube ranking and marketing of your videos. I can even make you a video if you don’t have any, as part of the SEO Booster. What’s not to love?

Most popular Google questions include:

Q: How long will it take me to get to Google page 1 and how much will it cost?
- Google cannot be manipulated so no one can promise page 1. Don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise! Page 1 is always the aim of any SEO, but for a company to promise Page 1 then they are using Google Adwords which is page 1 paid-for advertising. REMEMBER: Results are directly correlated to investment, as your competitors demonstrate. How much do you think your competitors have invested?

Q: What is a search engine?
- Google is a search engine, you enter your keywords and search, other search engines include Bing (MSN) and Yahoo. Your website should be optimised and verified in these top 3 search engines to prove the most effective results in SERPs – Search Engine Results Pages

Videos can appear in Google Search results

Videos can appear on the main Google Search results page or on the Videos tab. Videos are frequently presented with a thumbnail image and other helpful information such as the playback duration and summary text. In addition, Google can now highlight key moments in your video content, allowing users to navigate the video like chapters in a book. When a user taps a key moment, they’ll land on your site where they can begin watching the video from that moment in time.

UX - User Experience. Little things like social media hyperlinks taking you off the website when you click them, or ensuring a purchase can be done in 4 clicks, to page design for optimial leads via a contact form are all under the UX umbrella.