
The 25 Dream Campaign is a 501(c)3 non--profit organization dedicated to educating the youth, building their spirits, their character and their drive in order that they   acheive their dreams. And just as the name suggests,  we encourage them to live their lives to acheive 25 Dreams.  This, my friend, is the 25 Dream Campaign.  You too, no matter what age,  can be apart of the campaign. Make the comittment to live your life to acheive 25 Dreams!!!

The mission of The 25 Dream Campaignn is to create educational events that inspire young minds to dream, increase their knowledge to obtain their dreams, and build their character to sustain their dreams.

The vision of The 25 Dream Campaign is to  conduct a 6 month program for at risk teens, foster youth and young adults that provide enriching, character building, leadership,  and life enhancing educational events and experiences.  Participants would undergo a series of workshops and community service projects. These workshops prepare them to achieve goals and dreams, expose them to the qualities necessary to withstand the tough process of dream chasing, equips them with the knowledge necessary for success,  while making this educational experience fun and meaningful through the use of the arts. The program would end  with a graduation ceremony and dedicated participants receiving a scholarship.

Our Initiatives and Platform

1) Personal Empowerment (Empower U Dream)
We foster the personal empowerment which yields Personal  transformation through the use of  self analysis, goal setting, personal mission statments, vision boards and personal affirmations.

2) Leadership & Character Building (The Dream Workshop)
We foster leadership and character building by providing the qualities needed to acheive dreams.

3) Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention (Red Flags Purple Ribbons)
Once we get youth on the right path, the last we want  is for them to get involved in an abusive relationship. We teach the warning signs of abusers.