About |
Fresh Coffee
Our passion for the craft, quality and freshness of our coffee motivates us to roast and deliver coffee the same day it's ordered. We air-roast our beans daily and seal each bag within minutes of roasting. Our custom bags use zip tops and one-way gas valves to keep coffee fresh longer.
Unless you roast it yourself, you can’t get fresher coffee.
Our beans are 100% Specialty Grade Arabica and meticulously selected from the top 1% of coffee in the world. We carefully roast in small batches, creating a consistently smooth and flavorful cup. Our artisan roast master uses a proprietary method to roast each variety differently, unlocking the pure flavor characteristics and subtle aromas that our coffee is known for.
Fresh Start
Founded in 2007, we have created a coffee roasting business that accomplishes two equally important and parallel objectives: producing exceptional coffee and helping transform the lives of post-prison men and women.
Our social mission - giving former offenders a fresh start through gainful employment, work experience and job training - is both local and demonstrably life-changing. Our dream is that men and women will not be preemptively judged by the errors of their past but will be known instead by the present evidence of the content of their character.
We have a complete conviction in the powerful reality of redemption, as seen by the way we live, the quality of our product, the passion with which we carry out our work. We hope the people and companies with which we interact will live with us in this conviction.
We audaciously aspire to create a product of the highest caliber with people who have been marginalized.
Treat yourself to a quality of coffee that you've not likely experienced before. Order fresh from our website:
Talk to us on Facebook: facebook.com/ihaveabean
Follow us on Twitter: @haveabean