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Flea Marketing Advice Ebook “The Flea Market Advisor”
Ardara, PA February 21, 2012 - author and resident, Paul J. Runtich, has published The Flea Market Advisor. This book was written for beginner and seasoned flea market vendors with advice, tricks and tips on how to be successful in marketing and selling at any flea market, event, fair or show. This book provides easy to follow instructions on how to make money at flea markets; in addition to how to open and operate a flea market as a business. I have twenty plus years part-time and full-time experience selling at markets, and I am currently still selling at markets. One of the services I offer is watch repair.
In this book, you will find advice and tips on the following subject matters:
What sells now and in the future.
How to market your merchandise and yourself.
Why selling “services” pays off.
Unwritten rules between vendors.
What items to sell at around $7.00 to $9.00 that most people need and want with a 600% profit margin.
How much money you will need for merchandise, equipment and supplies to start your business.
How to choose the right market to sell your merchandise.
The best location at the market for sales.
How and where to find merchandise to sell.
How to set up your merchandise with the proper presentation to encourage buyers to buy.
What to charge for items and why. Cheap will not work.
What to sell - new, used, collectibles, food, fruits and vegetables, baked goods, candy.
How to be the gatekeeper or how to own your own flea market.
With the following advice, I guarantee you will make money. It does take research, planning and time; but it is strictly a cash business and makes for an excellent part-time or even full-time income.
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About Paul J. Runtich
I am from the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. I got my start in the flea market business when I was sixteen years old. My parents took me to a local retail auction on Saturday nights. The auction purchased insurance-damaged trailers. They sorted through the merchandise and kept all the good merchandise to auction off to the highest bidder. The auction also had a snack bar with homemade food which was priced reasonably, and also a retail food room with in-date food for 50% to 60% off retail prices. At the end of the night, the auctioneer would bring out several large boxes and fill them in front of everyone as people were bidding. Everyone was able to see in full view what merchandise was being placed in those boxes. Well, you guessed it. I bid on those boxes and won the bid. It cost me approximately $125.00 for a total of six boxes. I never thought about how I was going to get those boxes home, since we came to the auction in a car and not a truck. The auctioneer was kind enough to follow us home with all the boxes of merchandise, and at no charge either.
After going through the boxes, I found some commercial copper fittings for AC units worth around $100 each. I had 50 of them. I decided to go to a flea market with all the merchandise and sell the merchandise I purchased. I took all the copper units and several other items and sold all the fittings on my first day at the flea market for $60.00 each, or $300.00 total for all 50 units. I sold them to an AC contractor. This was in 1966 and $300 was like hitting the lottery. That is what sold me on selling at flea markets, and I am still selling today. I have done markets ever since, from small to large, county fairs and local fairs. I started small, invested what I made in purchasing other merchandise and used my 1966 Chevy S.S. for a vehicle to start with.
It is best to start out small, then add as you grow. Try different merchandise, different markets and then add a service business as well.
Paul J. Runtich
small t small r small w small r at comcast dot net