
Due to the poor local real estate market and the nationwide mortgage loan crisis, many Florida homeowners find themselves unable keep up with their increased mortgage payments, and many times the mortgage loan debt is more than the home is worth. That causes a situation of having No Equity left in the property. Many homeowners are not able to modify the loan, nor can they refinance the home. Sadly, many homeowners give up, because they think there is nothing they can do to stop the Foreclosure of the home. Well, we want you to know there is absolutely something you can do that's far better than a FORECLOSURE ... it's called a SHORT SALE. We specialize in helping people during this very difficult process. Best of all.,. Our Services Are FREE to the homeowner. Please contact 411WeBuyHomes.com  to learn more information, receive free reports and downloads, and get all your questions answered 24 hours a day. http://www.we-buy-houses-fl.com