
The 48 PROJECTS Inc. creates, organizes, develops and administers unique projects for the global community. The 48 Projects line is a series of creative endeavours that have a 48-hour competition period for participants. This series of 48-hour competitions are meant to foster creativity, and promote various forms of art and entertainment. Each of the 48 Projects will provide multiple opportunities for participants to learn, grow, and discover their unique talents while competing for prizes and the chance to promote their own careers in a showcase event tailored to the project at hand.
These projects are completed at the participants’ convenience and locale, and submitted online. This rich project line reaches out to artists in various communities. Participants require no experience; they may be amateurs or professionals. They decide on their own team members and team size. Freedom and autonomy are emphasized within each competition, with minimal guidelines to ensure compliance with the rules as well as adding a creative, challenging element to the competitions.