
Founded in January 2010, Haiti Recovery & Development Company, LLC interacts with a multitude of individuals, companies and government agencies with one simple goal: To assist Haiti and its citizens through its present struggles, until such a time as they can make do on their own.
It is the mission of HR&DC to assist with the creation of an economic engine whereby self-reliance is ultimately possible for Haiti and its people.  The company is committed to the creation, implementation and management of a comprehensive recovery and development program (Haiti’s version of The Marshall Plan).  Through strategic alliance partnerships with charitable and for-profit organizations, leading governments and international institutions & agencies, the company will foster a new sense of nationalism, educate and train the Haitian citizenry, teach the values and scope of a free market economy, and combine the strengths of many to achieve real and lasting prosperity. For further details about the Haiti Recovery & Development Company and its goal for a Haitian Renaissance log on to http://thehaitianrenaissance.com