
ActiveAmericans.com, headquartered in Hudson, OH, is a lifestyle website appealing to adults 45+. Since its launch in January, 2008, it has grown rapidly to an average of 1,000,000 hits daily. It has become a trusted source of information on critical issues facing ActiveAmericans, including personal finances, medical developments, retirement, healthcare, and insurance. "AAC" has developed a membership based community of over 500,000 members resulting in the fastest growing Trusted Peer Network for Americans age 45+.

AAC does not sell products or services related to company connected with these industries, nor does it sell or rent its membership list.

Haycraft explained, "Our members earn points for visiting and participating. Points are exchanged for rewards. Since 2008, we have distributed almost $150,000 back to members through our rewards program and donations.

"This is unheard of from most small companies, much less a start-up less than 2 years old.

"We see other organizations preying on and manipulating the 50+ population. We do the exact opposite: we invest in them. Our membership is free. Our promises to them are inviolate."

ActiveAmericans.com is well known for its creative and rewarding programs to its members such as the $100 A Day Cash Giveaway, the $15,000 Holiday Bonus, and the Free Car Giveaway, all free to register and to participate. At ActiveAmericans.com "free means free".

Another soon to be launched program is the "Fair Share" program where ActiveAmericans.com will share 10% of its monthly revenue with local communities throughout the U.S.  "This is a great opportunity for local communities across this great nation to supplement their cash reserves to continue providing much needed public services during this economic recession, specifically related to initiatives servicing the senior community such as transportation, community center organizations, and Meals on Wheels."