
Social Media Posting and Lead Generation
• 52% of Businesses believe that SM has positive impact on their business
Your secret to revenue
• Best times to post, add graphics, influencer hub
• Hashtag strategy
• Image sources: Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash
• Shares, Likes and Reshares, Algorithms
Lead generation and social media through unique URLs generate leads through social media
posts that link to unique landing pages, bringing new audiences to your website.
• Write high quality content and improve your website content
• Optimize keywords, key phrases, and add hashtags
• Analyze competitors SEO and check keyword, key phrases ranking
• Resources: Google trends or uebersuggest.com available in Chrome browser
Ways to improve your SEO
SEO & Lead Generation
• Build relationships with early-stage audiences
• Convert those that are deep in the process
• Monetize those who are ready
H o w t o d r i v e t r a f f i c t o w a r m
• Target cold traffic by introducing your brand or product and build relationships
• Learn about your audience as much as possible including their behavior to
create a more targeted message