About |
Artist Community For Change Los Angeles is a (501C3) non-profit organization of artists (professional Contemporary Dance Co, Musicians of all genres and Nationally recognized Visual Artists/Film Makers) dedicated to creating thought provoking content that entertains, educates and inspires people in positive ways through an artistic form.
We believe that art in every form is a very powerful and inspirational tool and that we can reach and motivate people through these art forms in a unique way.
Art + Cause = Social Change
We will achieve this goal locally, though our concerts, performances, community events, and lecture demonstrations in schools. Through the resources of modern media we are able to successfully reach people on a global level through: websites, compilation CD, You Tube, Blogs, Pod Casting etc. It is proven that even in a struggling economy people reach out to the arts and entertainment industry. It is our goal to provide them with thought provoking, positive and inspirational messages and how each of us can make a difference.
What people are saying about our events: “The artists are exciting and adventurous and their enthusiasm is palpable. It is incredibly inspiring to watch a performance that fuels you to take an active role in making our world a better place. It’s obvious that the heart and soul of an ACFCLA production is its pact that it makes with its audience members: We are here to change the world together.” - ... H.L. - Educator
Our programs are supported by your generous donations and attendance at our events.