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Today’s data centers are heterogeneous. Moving data or backing it up from–or within–this environment has traditionally been a complicated process. It doesn’t have to be. ATA DataSolutions® can migrate everything from small businesses to large-scale data centers efficiently, effectively and with unprecedented flexibility–across platforms, and regardless of operating system or hypervisor. There's no downtime or disruption to business operations.
We start by capturing an accurate profile of the environment using ATA DataDiscovery®. Our migration team uses the discovery information to create a micro-level migration plan. ATA DataMove® creates a point-in-time clone ("source") of the server/s to be migrated ("target"). During day-to-day business operations, files are being updated to the source. ATA DataSync® replicates those updates to the target asynchronously. When it's time for cutover–as determined by the client–the target contains an exact clone of the systems in their current state. The migration has taken place with ZERO downtime and ZERO disruption.
For companies that want to change cloud providers, ATA DataSolutions can move them from public to private with no impact to their systems to the following cloud providers: Amazon, Rackspace, Windows Azure, vCloud, HP Cloud, ProfitBricks and SoftLayer.
ATA DataSolutions technology is available through several value-added resellers.