
Addict II Athlete, a Utah-based nonprofit organization that helps individuals erase negative behaviors through health, recreation, service, relationships, and team unity. They offer community support groups, educational podcasts and online content, recovery training, service projects, and races and events.
According to AddictionCenter.com, almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, yet only 10% of them receive treatment. By providing addiction recovery services over the last 8 years, Addict II Athlete staff understands that one of the barriers to receiving treatment is the cost. That’s why they are not only raising funds to help more individuals and families in Utah access their life-changing programs but to expand the free content they produce via podcasts and YouTube videos to support the individuals and families who have no-to-little resources to help them overcome addiction.  
For the last 10 years, Addict II Athlete has operated solely on the support of volunteers. While the nonprofit has been able to make a life-changing impact with this support, they know they have only tapped the surface and can make a much bigger impact by expanding its programs and providing educational resources nationally.
Addict II Athlete (AIIA) has revolutionized the addiction recovery community since 2011 by helping hundreds of individuals erase negative behaviors and supporting thousands of family members. AIIA established new and innovative options for individuals and families seeking support within the recovery community. This non-anonymous action-oriented program created the erase and replace philosophy that allows anyone participating to turn the mess of addiction into the message of recovery through service, health, recreation, and sober support systems. Pushing beyond health and recreation Team Addict II Athlete serves the community in which it operates by donating racing wheelchairs for disabled children, providing Christmas presents for needy families, providing park and trail maintenance, donating to the Festival of Trees, participating in local athletic events, and providing many other community services. Addict II Athlete aims to change the public’s perception of an addict while healing the addiction through a principle-based relationship model.