
Airlink is a nonprofit organization linking the aviation industry and humanitarian response organizations to ensure relief workers and material aid reach those impacted by natural disasters and other humanitarian crises around the globe.  

Airlink has worked with its airline partners to help NGOs respond to humanitarian emergencies where the supply chain is constrained and international aid is required. Our responses include the tsunami in Japan, Hurricane Sandy and numerous tornadoes in the US, Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the Ebola crisis in West Africa, earthquakes in Nepal, Ecuador, and Indonesia, and numerous hurricanes across the Caribbean. Airlink also focuses on alleviating suffering in protracted emergencies, including the Syrian refugee crisis, Rohingya refugee crisis, and complex crises in South Sudan and the Horn of Africa. Finally, Airlink also works with airlines to address ongoing issues in the developing world, such as access to clean water, food, shelter, and medical aid; we believe addressing these issues is key to community resiliency and reduces shocks when natural disasters do occur.

Today, Airlinkā€™s network consists of more than 40 commercial and charter airlines and 80+ international NGOs. Airlink and its airline partners have transported more than 5,000 passengers and more than 3,000,000 pounds of cargo in support of a broad range of humanitarian initiatives. Airlink estimates the value of these movements at about USD $8,000,000. Ultimately, our work with NGO partners around the world allows them to redirect these funds into projects on the ground, helping those in need.