
Aquilon (Aquilón Cyl SL, León, Spain), is a private innovative SME founded in 2012 as a spinoff from the Veterinary College of the University of Leon. The company sources its innovative products from academic research through licensing agreements, and develops them to a registration. The company also provides diagnostic services for enteropathies and autogenous vaccination campaigns for swine dysentery. Aquilon's most advanced products are a food aditive to increase piglet intestinal health and productivity (under review in EFSA), a first in class swine dysentery vaccine (undergoing pivotal multicentric clinical trials) and an intradermic immunological diagnostic for swine brucellosis that avoid cross reactivity leading to false positives, just filed to EMA.
Other products in the pipeline include a VLP-DIVA vaccine against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (partially funded by a Phase II SME instrument from EU, see www.vlp-bvd.com) and a preclinical stage live competitive exclusion vaccine against Glässer disease