
Estella Keese, also known as Mama E, is founder and CEO of In Him Ministry Of Jax Inc., a non profit organization whose mission is family enrichment and building strong relationships. Keese is a knowledgeable and experienced relationship coach who is passionate about teaching life skills as well as effective communication habits that work to improve individuals performance behaviors. All is all her effective sessions help fuel dramatic growth of the relationships she coaches and counsels.

Mama E is also a writer, presenter, and executive level coach . In her words, “I am on a mission to get individuals and organizations focused on and thinking about the way that relationship skills matter. In the case of business organizations, unproductive interdepartmental relationships are most often a bottom line impacting revenue drain. My sessions trigger reversals of fortune in a positive direction.”

Looking for just the right SPEAKER for your special meeting or event? We offer full-day presentations, training workshops, and keynote addresses.

Mama E is a high-energy presenter, ready to cover topics like:
…..benefits of relationship coaching in the workplace, couples coaching for singles, marriage coaching in today’s world,
…..First and Goal, Mama E's workshops created to use professional football strategies to strengthen relationships, strategic pre-hire planning, career strategy, leadership, building workplace relationships that work, team-building, employee engagement, or organizational learning.

Estella Keese can be reached at (904) 402-0086   We invite you to visit the Web Site at http://mamaeanswers.com