About |
Beverly A. White helps small businesses and large corporations alike to become more competitive by providing them with a set of tools and methods that create ultra-performant teams which she calls Super-Teams. With a long career in engineering: mechanical, electrical, process & control and software engineering Beverly has a proven technical background. Yet it is what she provides on human performance tuning that is most unique and valuable about what she does and what she can offer to others.
Beverly found early on in her career that her technical skills were not enough to make her even a passably decent manager, a lesson that she learned the hard and painful way. Through the generosity of some incredible people in her own life she was able to come away with some deep truths and techniques that would ultimately lead her to becoming a master of team building and a well sought after leader. She often says, “The team building methods I share not only build a great team but turn the user into a potentially great leader.” She adds, “Just add Vision.”
Beverly has applied her methods to teams in the United States and in the Netherlands, even Saudi Arabia. She has worked with engineers and day laborers, professionals and volunteers, people on multi-national projects, teams of people within a company and teams made of people from multiple companies all with the same powerful results. She has improved the working relationships of companies and their vendors and partners, customers and relationships up the corporate management chain. All of those teams out-performed their competition all while having the high energy and morale of a team that truly has fun at what it does.
While many team builders offer a day off-site doing a team building exercise Beverly shares techniques that work during the normal course of business. Using everyday work and work situations in clever ways you not so slowly build a team that exceeds their apparent capabilities. Beverly certainly encourages you to treat your fabulous Super-Team to a day of “play” to deepen their relationships but only after you have built the team around the work they do.
Beverly is an amazing speaker, an author and a Team building expert with a unique message and someone who is dedicated to making better teams wherever and whenever she can.