
Community-based Health Care Organization

Behavioral Health Clinic is a community based health care organization serving the greater Baltimore metropolitan area, and specializing in high quality co-occurring, mental health care and comprehensive alcohol/drug addiction treatment. Our behavioral health services have achieved recognition by being accredited by the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
Baltimore health clinicPhilosophy

Co-occurring disorders are primary diseases caused by biochemical changes within the brain and influenced by social, emotional, and environmental elements. As with addictive disease, the individual bears no responsibility for developing the disorder; but once diagnosed and treated, is responsible for taking personal responsibility for learning about the disorder, self-diagnosing the disorder, treating the disorder and continuing treatment. Disorders are chronic, progressive, and potentially fatal diseases.
Accordingly, Behavioral Health Clinic considers co-occurring diseases to be primarily “biochemical/genetic disorders which are influenced by elements in the environment.”
A Journey of Healing and Transformation

The atmosphere for treatment must be an atmosphere of acceptance of the patient as a person. This is conveyed by a non-punitive, non-moralistic, non-reproaching attitude. An attitude of sincerity, caring and hope is essential. Behavioral Health Clinic also strives to encourage patients to grasp and utilize the concept of recovery. Recovery is a journey of healing and transformation that enable a person with co-occurring disorders to live a meaningful life in a community of his/her choice while striving to achieve his/her full potential. This way of life encourages patients to be active in their wellness plans, health awareness, resource management and utilizing coping skills to manage their disorders and symptoms.

The concept of therapeutic community allows patients to be active int heir own treatment and recovery. Therapeutic Community places the responsibility of recovery on the patient. Thus, patients work together in developing and maintaining goals, and plans in order to improve their overall quality of life. Peers assist one another on their road to recovery.