
BMV Classifieds.com was created by a group of bargain hunters who wanted to be apart of uniting other bargain hunters around the world through the tool of the internet.

BMV Classifieds.com is an online community, user moderated by bargain hunters much like yourself. If you have items, services or know about bargains that you think others would be interested in then please feel free to list. The x factor that seperates BMV Classifieds.com from every other classified site is that every one of our listings is priced Below Market Value! And yes, its free to list!

BMV Classifieds.com is divided into 3 sections:

BMV Classifieds is where you can find or list any items that are currently priced under the current market value. When listing we encourage you to list your price, the market value price and where possible, a link to verify that items market price e.g. Kelly blue book or a valuation certificate.

BMV Brags! is where you can brag about a bargain you've picked up or a bargain you've seen somewhere. e.g. "I just got 25% off my husbands black leather business shoes@Kmart, New york, NY 10001".

BMV Services is where you can list or find your services at below the normal rates. e.g."Plumber seeking work. Usually charge $70 per hour, but will do quality work for $30 an hour"