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The team at BSM Media has a passion for marketing to moms. While others proclaim they know moms, BSM Media had dedicated their entire discipline to connecting clients with the Mom Market. In fact BSM Media's founder Maria Bailey wrote the first book on the subject. It's what we know and what we do best. In fact, we are proud to say that it's all we do. We enjoy sharing our expertise with clients.
BSM Media is a internationally recognized full-service marketing and media firm that specializes in marketing to moms. Our unique combination of market knowledge and results oriented approach allows us to help companies reach their goals and beyond. We don't rely on yesterday's buying trends but on total 24/7 immersion in the marketplace.
In addition to offering clients marketing services, BSM Media owns and operates four media properties: BlueSuitMom.com, Mom Talk Radio, Moms Mind Pool, Mom Select and NewBaby.com. These media outlets give us access to the pulse of the mom market, every minute of every day. We translate this information into marketing programs, strategies and initiatives that produce results for our clients.
Clients are able to maximize their marketing dollars by leveraging relationships BSM Media already has in the marketplace.
BSM Media's CEO and Founder, Maria Bailey, is the foremost authority on marketing to moms. She is an award-winning author, radio talk show host, nationally known speaker and the foremost authority on marketing to moms. Each month she speaks to over 11 million moms on TV, radio, print and online. Maria is host of Mom Talk Radio the first nationally syndicated radio show for moms and Co-host of Good Day with Doug Stephan, the #7 ranked morning talk show in America. Online Maria is the Founder of BlueSuitMom.com, the award-winning Website for executive working mothers and Co-Founder of Newbaby.com, the largest resource of online video for moms. Maria’s articles can be found in Orange County Family and Hybrid Mom among other magazines.
Maria has been an invited speaker to nearly half of the top 100 consumer brands. Her book, “Marketing to Moms: Getting Your Share of the Trillion Dollar Market” (Prima) was the first to examine the buying power of mothers and the most effective marketing initiatives to tap the $2.1 trillion market. In “Trillion Dollar Moms: Marketing to a New Generation of Mothers” (Dearborn) Maria focuses on the emergence of Gen X and Gen Y mothers and compares them to the Boomer mom segment. Her latest book, "Mom 3.0: Marketing With Today's Mothers by Leveraging New Media & Technologies” examines reaching moms with new technologies, such as blogs, podcast and social networking.