
Balloon Wholesalers International is the industry's choice in balloon and party accessories and is dedicated to excellent customer service and complete customer satisfaction. We stock over 6,000 products in our on-site warehouse to make sure your order is accurately filled every time you call.

You can visit BWI's showroom
Monday through Thursday - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Pacific Time
Friday - 8:30 am to 1:30 pm Pacific Time
5733 E. Shields Avenue, Fresno, California.

When Balloon Wholesalers International opened its doors in 1984, it was Jack and Terri Adishians' dream to create a company in which the customer truly came first. A company in which the backbone was built on service, quality, honesty, and integrity. Now 25 years later, with a strong team at BWI and loyal customers supporting their growth, the Adishians have managed to make their dream come true. BWI is the largest balloon distribution company on the west coast.

The Adishians and BWI team members are committed to their Mission Statement to be a dominant, recognized leader in balloon wholesaling and strive to provide an excellent working environment and be dedicated to complete customer satisfaction. With 17 Certified Balloon Artists on staff, we are the experts in the industry. We thank you for visiting and look forward to serving you.