
BankBazaar.com is India’s first neutral online marketplace that gives you instant customized rate quotes on loans, credit cards or any other personal finance products. It simplifies the loan application process. Anyone can instantly search for tailor-made offers, compare, customize it as per his or her need or profile and apply for their finance products on BankBazaar.com as well as the BankBazaar app for Android & iOS. It is designed with smart technology capabilities and over 50 of India’s leading financial institutions and insurance firms have chosen to integrate themselves with the platform. For the online consumer today, banking is as easy as shopping for anything online. It is enjoyable, empowering, and transparent. Just like shopping. What’s more, BankBazaar.com's services are completely free!
BankBazaar services are available through the web-portal, made-for-mobile web service or the BankBazaar app available on the Android play store and iOS app store. It helps consumers compare best offers across various banks and NBFCs. Apart from the above, it gives the consumer the latest news/ trends and insights into managing their finances better. The consumers can track their application and troubleshoot issues in the process through a host of channels like the BankBazaar app, WhatsApp, Email, Voice-support etc.