
Beyond Morale is a self-service, online system of activities, measures and resources that quickly enhances employee engagement which results in a motivated and highly productive workforce.  Used in the long run the Beyond Morale program creates a sustainable level of employee engagement that unleashes an organization's potential for rapid growth.

The bulk of the research and insights used to create the Beyond Morale™ program come from Resolving Conflict by Shay McConnon and First, Break all the Rules by Marcus Buckingham.  The host of activities and materials in the Beyond Morale program have been created over the last 20 years and tested during the last 7-10 years in companies like Sony, Exxon, Siemens, Barclays, and BAE Systems to name a few.

Beyond Morale is not management training or leadership training to be digested but experiences which bring about a company culture transformation. This means you will get results immediately!

It doesn’t just talk about openness, trust in the workplace and collaboration but enables you to create these realities. It doesn’t talk about ownership but provides a structure and an approach so your employees will put themselves at cause and make things happen.

It transforms from the Inside Out and employees and leadership will be at the heart of your company's transformation.

By changing the company culture at micro levels (one to one) Beyond Morale moves across teams and eventually impacts on your entire company.

This is in contrast with most company initiatives – management defining the company culture, communicating this to their colleagues and then hoping to get the transfer to behaviors.

Initiatives often fail because they are seen to be meeting the agenda of management or the company rather than the interest of the individual employee. Beyond Morale will appeal to the self-interest of your employees and hence its long term sustainability and success.

A weakness with many company initiatives is their dependency on external agencies.
Take away this support...and the initiative fails. Beyond Morale is owned by your company and your employees, not by external consultants or trainers. From the moment of registration, every step is delivered internally by your employees. Team members run activities, teams decide on the modules and frequency of meetings and your employees take ownership for improving their Satisfaction@Work scores.

Systematic and Sustained Change occurs, as Beyond Morale is incremental and developmental.

Your employees can progress from Level 1, through Level 2 and Level 3, to Level 4. It begins as a program that impacts on attitudes and behaviors and then converts to a business tool for people excellence which allows you to maintain what has been created.

This ensures the changes to attitudes and behaviors of your employees are sustained. They embed and become part of the DNA of your organization.

Beyond Morale bypasses the problem that companies can give themselves by going down the training route i.e. how to translate the knowledge into workable practices.

Rather than give your employees lots of theory, Beyond Morale is the tool that gets you results. It is the car, rather than the theory of the internal combustion engine. You can rent the car and when you arrive at your destination and get the results you want, just hand the keys back!

User results have proven the Beyond Morale program, creates a critical mass of awareness of skilled employees which sustains these new ways of working.

Beyond Morale is an online, self service system, it is ideally placed to roll out across all sizes of populations and allow you to create a simultaneous awareness, mindset and skills. This is just not possible with a more traditional ‘teaching’ approach.

This online approach also allows the program to be highly cost effective. Not only will your financial costs be minimal but the ‘time-out’ cost per employee is minimal, allowing your business to keep functioning.

Companies can create problems for themselves by how they go about change.

Managers can run employee satisfaction surveys and then give themselves the problem of what to do with the results. The ways forward suggested by management are often rejected.

People usually don’t take care of a rented car, because it does not belong to them, they don’t own it. Unless people are engaged and involved you can expect them to be compliant but not committed to the change.

By engaging your employees, Beyond Morale will enable you to retain your employees and get the best from them. As you roll out the program, your employees will develop a strong sense of connection to your company, its people, leaders, mission and business. You will be creating a company culture of shared values and vision.

Every quarter Beyond Morale conducts employee engagement benchmarking. The focus is applied skills, not theory. Learn how to succeeded and pitfalls to avoid.