
The complexity of taxes, investments, and global markets keep some people awake at night. Taxpayers near or in retirement who own highly appreciated businesses, stock, and real estate tend to worry about paying taxes on income and capital gains. Navigating finances through each phase of life requires more than just a plan. It requires a partner. Through life’s ups and downs, Bloom will be there to add insight, offer reassurance and amend plans to reach their client’s ideal future.

Clients want to live life and leave tax strategies, markets, and advanced financial planning to Bloom Financial.

Bloom wants to increase the odds of success with evidence-based expertise in transactional tax planning, risk management, investment management and analysis, through cutting-edge financial planning technology.

Bloom is a boutique advanced financial planning firm. Through the development of their unique Taxecology™ Report process, Bloom combines expertise in tax planning, risk management, investment strategy, analysis, and financial planning technology. Blooms clients benefit from the perspectives and guidance of industry leading financial planning minds.

The company prides itself on its cornerstone, “Financial Advice in Plain English.”

Over the last three years, modernization of financial services technology has streamlined and simplified client financial planning facilitation. It has also expanded outreach capacity, planning options, and reporting capabilities. Bloom best helps individuals and families with highly appreciated businesses, stock, crypto, art, commercial real estate, and rental properties. It also serves highly compensated executives and business owners. Bloom Financial increases clients’ reach in the ever-evolving world of financial planning breakthroughs, tactics, and tools.

The firm consults industry economists in addition to different viewpoints of The Capital Market Assumptions 10-year Outlook. For example, the decade starting in 2024, assumptions for U.S. equities range from Vanguard’s 4.2%-6.2% to BNY Mellon’s 7.4%1, 2. These numbers are well below the market average.

Mitchell Bloom, the President said, “the standard 60/40 model portfolio may be facing a tough decade ahead. One of our goals is to improve clients’ chances of investment success using diversified alternative investments. Blooms advisors get excited teaching about Core-Satellite investment philosophy. These tactics are commonly used by institutional investors and universities like Yale and Harvard.” For clients who qualify, Bloom tilts their Satellite portfolios towards alt funds. These may invest in start-ups, angel investments, private equity, hedge funds, and real estate.

Bloom’s mission is to help clients become liberated from the stress and anxiety of understanding taxes, markets, retirement, and the transfer of wealth to the next generation.

Over the last 36 years, Bloom has developed a nationwide team of trustees, tax attorneys, CPAs, business brokers, and certified financial planners to provide comprehensive financial services. They also work with insurance auditors, art appraisers, custodian banks, third party service providers, and investment advisory firms.

Clients learn what it’s like to have decades of objective, peer-reviewed evidence-based research and finance science working for them. Clients’ plans use cost-effective and tax-efficient strategies that are appropriately matched to risk tolerance to help increase the chances of success.

When clients work with Bloom, they are supported by a diverse team of resources and specialists. In developing a personal financial strategy, Bloom’s strategic partnerships help assure clients get a well-conceived plan designed to meet long-term goals. Clients gain access to the guidance of industry leading advanced financial planning minds.

It takes solid strategy and analysis. Investing needs insight to capture the returns of global stock and bond markets to help clients reach their long-term goals while controlling risks, costs and minimizing taxes. It takes trading and operational support. It takes skill to deliver more timely and accurate investment management.

Bloom has a deep bench of national custodians and thought leaders, along with specialists’ support and strong back-office partners.

By working with fee-only fiduciaries like Bloom, who always work in the clients’ best interest, the advisor is always on the clients’ side.


Learn more about Bloom Financial at www.bloomfinancial.com. Check out Mitch’s personal profile at www.mitchbloom.com or his LinkedIn profile at www.linkedin.com/in/mitchellbloom/.  

1. https://corporate.vanguard.com/content/corporatesite/us/en/corp/articles/investment-economic-outlook-dec-2023.html
2. https://www.bnymellonwealth.com/insights/2024-capital-market-assumptions-the-path-to-normalization.html