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At the Bronson Law Offices, P.C. we represent debtors throughout Westchester County in filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. We help debtors throughout the Bronx, Queens, all of New York City, Rockland County, Westchester County and New Jersey. Completing a thorough and accurate assessment of a client’s financial situation and goals is a primary concern when we first work with a debtor to resolve his or her financial difficulties. Bankruptcy may be the right solution for a debtor who is overwhelmed with unsecured debt, is facing foreclosure or is dealing with wage garnishment, creditor abuse or repossession. It may offer a fresh financial start by eliminating all eligible debt. To find out more about our firm’s services and how filing for bankruptcy may affect you now and in the future, please contact our offices to schedule a free consultation or visit us online to learn more about this important topic: http://www.westchesterbankruptcylawfirm.com/