
An all new, fun and easy to use web site to sell anything from A to Z! Offers fixed price classified ad listings or specific time auction style ad listings, and you can choose the timing. Works very similar to eBay and is much more sophistacated than Craigslist. Offers over 350 categories and sub-categories to choose from to post your listings. Designed and developed to offer a simple and cheap alternative to online sellers and buyers. The site offers total free use to all new users for a full 90 days from account registration, with no credit card needed and no strings attached. During the Free 90 days, no fees of any kind are charged to the user, even no final selling fees when an auction item sells. After the first 90 days, if a user wants to continue to advertise using their account, the site charges very small fees, which are clearly explained on the site and are always at the option of the user. A user may pay as they go for each ad they place, or heavy users can pay a low, flat monthly subscription fee and post all the listings they want, no limit, and only pay final auction selling fees or add-on fees. Renewals for listings that have not yet sold are at a significantly reduced price. A unique feature of the site is that users automatically are issued a user credit account  within the site, meaning they can build up a balance before actually having to pay. When it is time to pay your account balance, you may pay with your PayPal account or a major credit card, your choice. The user selects the duration of their ad from options on the site, they also can add pictures and extra features to their ad to draw attention to their specific ad The user account home page offers many great features to monitor your account and your ads, and for buyers to search and be notified when what they are looking for is posted on the site. The parent company is Bottom Line Business Consulting, Inc, a Georgia corporation based in Norcross, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta.