
Caregiver Saathi™ is an ecosystem that enables compassionate caring for family caregivers. We provide community support, learning tools, and a range of curated services for home-based care. Our mission is to ease the caregiving challenges faced by families dealing with long-term care of patients with chronic health conditions. By prioritizing caregiver well-being, we create a holistic support system that empowers caregivers on their caregiving journey.

Who We Serve:
•     Family Caregivers: Providing online/offline resources to navigate caregiving challenges.
•     Well-Wishers: Equipping them to provide empathetic support to caregivers.
•     Healthcare Professionals: Empowering them to provide efficient, human-touch-led care.
•     Corporate Organizations: Supporting and encouraging progressive workplaces
Our Approach:
•     Personalized Support: Tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of each family.
•     Compassion and Empathy: Providing emotional support and acknowledging the diverse challenges.
•     Holistic Well-Being: Addressing the emotional, social, and practical aspects of caregiving.

Join our community and be part of the change! Together, we create a paradigm shift in the social narrative of caregiving—one that recognizes and supports caregivers on their uncharted path.