
CTM360 is a comprehensive Cyber Threat Management system based on the philosophy of collaboration to address the challenges of an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. Headquartered in the Kingdom of Bahrain, CTM360 provides ‘Dependable Security as a Service’ via a secure cloud-based platform, which enables members to tackle evolving cyber threats on a real-time basis. CTM360 cyber threat analysts operate 24 x 7 x 365 and have already gained the trust of 25 of the Top 50 GCC banks and other major organizations.

CTM360’s mission is to enhance member cyber resilience, with the strategy of identifying and managing attacks at an early stage. Following success in the GCC, CTM360 is now global with a dedicated offering keeping a steady finger on the pulse of cyber threats seen across the world. Within CTM360, a fully equipped cyber incident response team detects cyber threats relevant to member organizations, conducts analysis on impact and connects the dots across multiple incidents. This core service is strengthened by cyber footprint management and real-time situational awareness.