
As the cannabis industry enters a new frontier, the opportunities for global organizations, small businesses and individuals looking to enter the market have become infinite. Rarely have we seen a product have this type of exponential growth; yet so much is to be discovered about its clinical benefits and monetary potential? There has been no greater time for the cannabis industry then right now! This movement has created a tremendous opportunity for those involved with the product and for those looking to get involved in the industry.

This is why CannaInfo has developed a system to generate revenue in the cannabis industry without having to own a plant or product. It is actually a methodology used in the pharmaceutical industry for clinical studies. This allows individuals and companies to get involved in the space even if they don’t have a scientific, agricultural or technical background.

The CannaInfo solution is an automated system for businesses and individuals seeking an opportunity in the Cannabis Industry that is easy to develop and operates in an automated system thus allowing business owners to have low operational costs with high revenue earning channels.