
As you visit and compare schools, you'll find not all programs are the same. Differences in facilities - classrooms, activity areas, outdoor environments - are easy to see. The way teachers work with children and experiences they offer are less obvious and differ widely. These differences have a profound effect on your child.

According to The Abecedarian Project, a federally funded study on the impact of educational intervention in the lives of preschoolaged children, "children enrolled in higher-quality preschools score better on cognitive tests throughout their lives." In our quest to create a preschool that sets a new standard for learning, Carpe Diem not only exceeds state-mandated guidelines, we also follow the stringent requirements set forth by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The caliber of our teaching and administrative staff is just one example of our commitment to your child's early development and well-being.

We believe that where a child learns has a direct impact on how well a child learns, which is why we've put so much thought into creating the perfect learning atmosphere for our students. Our commitment to safety not only protects your child, it enables our teachers to focus their energies on the important tasks of teaching and nurturing.