
Granchamps is the quintessential modern entrepreneur. Cecile’s, as well as Granchamps’ story, is a perfect example of the current global and national self-employment trend facilitated by the Internet and social media As Granchamps says, “It takes ten years to be an overnight success,” and she has the receipts. Her personal and business journey is so compelling, combining her personal touch and family legacy, T-Mobile produced a short video documentary about it in 2021.

Cecile’s line of founder-formulated and made skin care products are specifically designed for the challenges faced by women of color seeking luxury beauty solutions without the high level of toxins found in conventional products targeted towards women of color.  Cecile’s full line of expertly formulated, raw, organic natural skin care and beauty products produced in small batches from natural ingredients that work together to   improv skin tone for a brighter, more even complexion.