About |
We’re now into our 5th year in my LIVE! Trading Room where we day trade Crude Oil, Gold, the E-Mini S&P (ES), E-Mini (Russell), E-Mini NASDAQ and E-Mini DOW (YM) and, sometimes, the EuroFX. We aim for $300 to $400 a day and (hopefully) help others reach their goals of financial independence and security in these increasingly hard economic times.
What can trading in a LIVE! Trading Room do for you? First, it improves your confidence and your results! Day trading is the perfect “job” — either a new career or a steady second income. It allows you to work the hours (or even days) you choose — and do it from anywhere in the world with reliable broadband Internet. It can quickly build your retirement or your kids’ college savings accounts. It can get you out from under crushing debt. And it’s fun!