
Click My Dreams is an endeavor to immortalize that eternal ceremony of sanctifying union of two souls in Marriage. Encapsulating precious moments in Photographs and film. Pictures ,images taken just at the right moment while the wedding ceremonies take place till the vows are exchanged, and everything else in between.

Each unforgettable image is enfolded in moving and still pictures.Photographs, moving images in film, reflecting back to you,your smiles, your laughter,your joy and anticipation, exhilarating your senses long after the wedding is over and for all the years of your life. ” Click My Dreams ” team lends its love & labour,their passion for playing with light and shade and sounds to weave and narrate the story of your first look,your embrace, your family, your LOVE,everything leading to those anticipated days of PRE – WEDDING, those rituals before THE RITUAL . . . YOUR MARRIAGE . . . YOUR VOWS . . . YOUR WEDDING!!! All your dreams!!