
Clinical Professionals is a company dedicated to the clinical research industry, offering candidates and clients a unique suite of services including our free  Pipeline Watch, a career advisory consultation for candidates, and Talent Tracker, a strategic tracking database for clients, whereby we identify and track candidates that match clients likely future recruitment needs.

The roles we cover are on both on a contract and permanent basis

   * CTA’s
   * CRA’s
   * Clinical Project Managers
   * Clinical Research Managers
   * Regulatory Affairs
   * Pharmacovigilance
   * Medical Information

Our team of experienced consultants are available to speak to you confidentially about these services and discuss your career development or recruitment needs. To find out more information about our services or to discuss any vacancies please call our consultant team on 0118 9594990 or email apply@clinicalprofessionals.co.uk
Or visit our website at: