
Formed in June 2019 and headquartered in Moraga, CA, CloudHauz ™ is a leading provider of hazard-resistant dwellings that save lives. The company’s primary goal is to help people and the planet. We do that by manufacturing, designing, and building dwellings that offer best chance of survival.  CloudHauz and its strategic partners have built dozens of homes in California and have many more under development.  The company has a combined experience of over 600 years in the areas in: construction, architectural design, electrical and HVAC engineering, real estate development, solar power, city planning, government relations, marketing and finance. Of equal importance to the company is the concern for our planet. CloudHauz promotes building with less wood and timber construction. Instead using an alternative of steel and composite. The weaning off of wood will reduce deforestation which is a major cause of climate change.  Forests are the lungs of the planet and thereby absorb much of our CO2 emissions. By using steel and composite construction structures, we lighten the load on our forests and allow them to flourish again.  CloudHauz is a newly formed LLC, filing for B-Corp status in the next 2 months.