
Welcome to the Newest Decentralized Staking Protocol on the Binance Smart Chain.

Purchasing Coinflect will give you the ability to make safer & smarter investments to earn passive income. Want to generate more rewards from an existing project? Interested in a token but looking to hedge your risk?  Don't wait to start earning profits.

launch your DeFi project with added utility and even more visibility with Coinflect. Developers will be able to create their staking pair and give more opportunities for holder to earn additional rewards.​ Providing liquidity also gives developers a No Charge AMA to Coinflect holders and its community. Great for new projects looking to explain their use case and generate more reach with added utility. Get your staking pair today.

4% from each buy/sell will go directly to liquidity and automatically locked for your piece of mind. 10% of each trade goes to the project operations account. This will provide liquidity for Dapp development, staking options, web3 features, exchange listings, marketing and the team funding needed to advance our project.

We will continuously add innovative use cases to build more value within the crypto space. See how far we’ve come and how much further Coinflect will go.