
As providers and caregivers implement an individual’s “treatment plan”, daily collaboration for consistency across environments is needs to be addressed.  Individuals with special needs are entitled to reasonable and fair treatment based on their “individual needs”.  This requires the team to effectively collaborate across environments with multiple people and professionals on behalf of individuals who are not able to help themselves and who are often nonverbal.  

CollaborApp™ is the first mobile application to address the need for collaboration across environments. Unlike traditional paper based modality implementation, team members may utilize the app to share information and modality strategy results in a secure environment.  The tool is real time and inclusive for all members who accept an invitation to participate.  A mobile device or the Internet can access the tool.  Secure socket layers over the Internet and native App data encryption are utilized for all users in response to privacy and data security requirements.

The mobile application helps the treatment plan implementation team, and their funding sources, capture the attention of the entire group by combining what the team needs to know with the most effective treatment modalities that are utilized for individual client. Daily comments and treatment specific information can be shared with the entire team at the same time regardless of the location a team member may be in at different parts of the day.  This is of particular value to providers, as they have a need to communicate but they also have multiple clients throughout the day. Family members and caregivers can also check in real time with the team to determine the status of a loved one at any time from any location without the need for any team member to pick up the phone.  By creating a more efficient medium for collaboration, the team can focus on core competencies instead of communication across environments.  The range of inquiries could be from “where is Adam’s jacket” to “how do you address eloping behavior at home”.  This should reduce off duty preparation time while maximizing time spent creating implementation gains while reducing stress and/or miscommunication between all parties involved.

The application gives a disabled person the ability to communicate and get his or her needs met.  Family members, caregivers, schools, behavior professionals, and medical practitioners can easily draw real time information from the tool to gain an understanding of a disabled person’s current status, frame of mind, and corresponding needs for intervention.  Additionally, as providers rotate sessions throughout the day, the tool would be utilized to share real time, actionable information across environments for more effective treatment plan implementation based on a client’s individual needs.  The tool takes the guesswork out of implementation throughout the day and it also can be used for emergency purposes; it will include notifications and location services in the event an individual with disabilities is lost and unable to find their way home.

Uploading modality implementation videos in a secure environment would allow the team to make adjustments across environments for “fidelity of implementation”.  This consistency is required in order to at least maintain, if not grow, gains while minimizing the risk of regression.  In addition, videos could be utilized for training or “rApp Sessions” on subjects that are specific to the effectiveness of the treatment plan and modalities utilized.  This is of particular value to secure agreement with the team as to the treatment plan that will be implemented for an individual with disabilities across all environments.  

The tool could also enable a person with disabilities to pursue a productive and inclusive lifestyle.  The videos on the tool could provide the team with objective evidence with regard to what protocols and accommodations work in one environment (i.e. at home) that might be helpful elsewhere (i.e. at school, the day program, at work). The tool makes collaboration easier and more accessible across environments such that it could be possible for a disabled person to participate in activities, including employment, outside the home.  The professional advise of each member of the team could provide problem solving input with regard to accommodations that might work toward resolving a particular concern. If a person can be made comfortable at home, collaboration will help that person also be productive in other environments.