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A Health Fact
Almost 18 million people, one-third of the Uk population will develop an allergy at some time in their life.
The average adult breathes over 3000 gallons of air per day. Children breathe even more per pound of body weight and are far more susceptible to air pollution.
The average person spends about 80% of their time indoors. This includes time at home, in the car, at work or school. Buildings are generally more air tight with double brick walls, double glazed PUVC or wooden window frames, concrete floors, and low ceilings. We have successfully protected our homes and offices from the outdoor environment but all these factors contribute significantly to higher concentrations of indoor pollutants.
Indoor Air Pollution
Our homes have dramatically changed over the last 30-40 years. They have become more airtight and more polluted through poor ventilation. Poor ventilation has been associated with increased indoor allergens and pollutants and as a result, indoor humidity has increased.
The average person spends about 80% of their time indoors. This includes time at home, in the car, at work or school. Buildings are generally more air-tight with double brick walls, double glazed PUVC or wooden window frames, concrete floors, and low ceilings. We have successfully protected our homes and offices from the outdoor environment but all these factors contribute significantly to higher concentrations of indoor pollutants.
The average adult breathes 3,000 gallons of air daily and the lungs act as a sponge for the air we breathe and this air contains contaminants that the lungs have to deal with effectively. These contaminants are inhaled as invisible and frequently odourless chemical and physical compounds. They include car exhaust fumes, seemly benign household products such as glues, paints, plastics, cleaning products, gas cookers and heaters, and personal care products (hairspray, deodorants etc). You may sometimes notice a strong smell or suffer eye, nose and throat irritation or suffer from headaches or nausea. However, a lot of the time there is no odour or noticeable physical reaction.
The Careforair Rainbow/Health Breezer has been specifically designed to deal with these indoor contaminants by scrubbing the air clean and releasing a beneficial aromatherapeutic fragrance into the air. Air quality is improved and a perfect ambience is created.
Here is how a Careforair Breezer actually works...
Careforair's unique air cleaning process harnesses the inherent purification properties of water and the natural anti-bacterial qualities of essential oils, to literally wash the air clean.
Some groups are more likely to have problems with indoor air pollution. Here is a breakdown of these groups:
INFANTS whose immune systems are immature have an increased likelihood of developing sensitivities. Small children spend more time on or near to the floor where concentrations of contaminants are usually higher.
ASTHMATICS have great sensitivity. Any chemicals, gases or dust particles can cause irritation and aggravate their condition.
ALLERGY SUFFERERS who already show sensitivity to a substance with reactions such as hay fever, sinusitis, eczema and other dermatitis conditions are likely to react with more sensitivity to indoor pollution.
THE ELDERLY especially those who are frail and infirm are more likely to develop respiratory disorders.
RECUPERATING PATIENTS are at risk because their immune systems are often not at full strength.
PREGNANT WOMEN are particularly at risk because some contaminants can pass to the foetus.
The average adult breathes 3,000 gallons of air daily and the lungs act as a sponge for the air we breathe and this air contains contaminants that the lungs have to deal with effectively. These contaminants are inhaled as invisible and frequently odourless chemical and physical compounds. They include car exhaust fumes, seemly benign household products such as glues, paints, plastics, cleaning products, gas cookers and heaters, and personal care products (hairspray, deodorants etc). You may sometimes notice a strong smell or suffer eye, nose and throat irritation or suffer from headaches or nausea. However, a lot of the time there is no odour or noticeable physical reaction.
The Careforair Rainbow/Health Breezer has been specifically designed to deal with these indoor contaminants by scrubbing the air clean and releasing a beneficial aromatherapeutic fragrance into the air. Air quality is improved and a perfect ambience is created.
Indoor air pollution has many causes, below are contributory factors...
Artificial - Pesticides, Herbicides and Insecticides.
Animal/Human - Animal dirt, Dust, Skin flakes, Dust mite faeces.
Biological - Mould spores, Micro-bacterial, Contaminants,
Chemical - Artificial cleaning agents, Bleaching agents, Petrol & Spirit fumes
Man-made - Asbestos, Smoke fumes, Workman's dust.