
Conscious Activation provides online video courses that present 37 Steps to Transform Your Life by Shifting Your Thinking. This helps people strengthen their minds by shifting from negative, subconscious thoughts to more positive, conscious ones. When your thinking skills are weak, you become vulnerable to many negative outside forces and individuals. Everyone is certainly challenged in this way during the current coronavirus pandemic and associated quarantine. We can all use support in managing our thinking.  When you are strong on the inside, you create a shield of protection and can weather any storm that comes at you from the outside. This change in thinking puts you in control of the happiness, fulfillment, productivity and success in your life.

Everyone has a story and we all have issues and challenges which cause the mental and emotional pain and suffering you may be experiencing.  Too often we turn the power and control of our emotions, communication and behavior over to other people who may never have our best interests at heart.  

The root cause of the negative issues and challenges we face is the way we think and our lack of skills we have to shift our own thoughts.  Science has proven we have very little conscious control over our thinking. This leaves our reactive, subconscious thoughts, over which we have virtually no control, in charge of our emotions, communication and behavior most of the time.

Our 100% online Conscious Activation Thinking Program includes Video Courses, Workbooks and Downloadable Self-Talk MP3 Audio Files.

You have the opportunity of a lifetime.  Our Thinking Program will:
1.     Help you understand, in detail, how and why you think the way you do and how your automatic and reactive thinking prevents you from protecting yourself against the negativity and challenges that may arise.
2.     Guide you through a step-by-step process to help you shift away from your negative, reactive, subconscious thoughts and activate your deliberate, conscious thinking which will create more positive and productive results.

It is time to stop allowing other people or circumstances to steal the power and joy in your life.  You have a right to consciously direct your own life by shifting your thinking.  This will put you in control of the happiness and peace of mind you deserve in life.  

Our Conscious Activation Thinking Program is now available at a 75% discount for only $24.99 to support those in need during this challenging time.  We created a platform that will help drive global change by making Conscious Activation Programs - in video and audio – very affordable for most everyone.  This will help level the playing field to ensure that the protection and prevention our Programs provide are available to virtually everyone in need.

You have the opportunity to develop the ability to take back the power and control over your own life’s happiness.  This will automatically shift your emotions, communication and behavior so you can have a more joyful and successful life.

It is time for you to begin consciously directing your own life!  Join our growing community of conscious thinkers and become Conscious Active..

For more information, please visit www.ConsciousActivation.com.