
Announcement of Constant Services’ Great Expansion
Contact: Shaun Dale Constant
Company: Constant Services
Phone Number: 1-866-771-8922 Ext. 114
Mobile Number: 601-735-7544
Email: shaun@constantservices.org
Web Site: http://constantservices.webs.com

Constant Services will begin extending the services they offer to Businesses and Individuals Nationwide, on April 9, 2012…

Constant Services, Hattiesburg, MS, April 7, 2012.  The Great Expansion will allow Constant Services to assist business and individuals across the United States that are suffering in today’s economy. Constant Services will help keep businesses from closing, assist new businesses to “successfully” start-up, as well as grow in unforeseen ways with Constant Services’ phenomenal services offered, and assisting families in financial crises.  

How can they help in today’s economy? What does Constant Services know that the rest of the World is in the dark about? The answers lie in the services they offer! Constant Services is a “One Stop Shop” for all of your business needs… They provide all the services that businesses use to be successful while only charging a fraction of what other businesses in the industry charge. Constant Services write GRANTS to fund businesses in need, assist in getting Federal Loans to get businesses out of “Hot Water,” show business owners how to cut corners and save money, along with teaching them new avenues to make money! While providing all of these services to businesses, Constant Services also helps individuals and families across the United States get GRANTS and Federal Loans to help them buy a home, get assistance for needy families, home repairs, transportation, go to college, keep their home from getting foreclosed on, and live their dreams.

Already saving 1148 homes from being foreclosed on this year, Constant Services Grant Writing professionals get families the funds they need to live the “True American Dream!” Constant Services has proven that there is literally a grant for every need, and it does not matter how much income or what your credit rating is, they can get you the funds that you need to be successful. Their fees are ¼ of the cost that other Grant Writers charge, and Constant Services has a 98% rate of approval!  Even if you are running a successful business and want to expand there is a Grant or Federal Loan to assist you without having to take money out of your business.

Constant Services begin in 1999, and was founded by Shaun Constant. A true business professional it was Shaun’s dream to assist people in being successful in life. Shaun is from a small town and watched people struggle all of her life, just to make it. As most business owners well know- Being a business owner doesn’t make you rich. It is hard to make your dreams come true with limited budgets and professional resources. This is why Shaun started Constant Services, to assist these business owners in stretching that dollar to make their resources unlimited!  

           Shaun’s educational history is phenomenal. It all begins with a MBA in the Science of Business Management from Berkeley.  Once she had accomplished that Shaun Continued her education online through other institutions and now has a Bachelor’s in Marketing, Journalism, and Accounting, as well Certifications in Project Management, Grant Writing, Business Development, Financial Analyzation, Photography, and Computers. She is the true heart of this business and has made Constant Services what it is today.

    Rated Number 1 in the National Registry - Who’s Who for 2010 and 2011 for their spectacular services offered, Constant Services will now be extending their services to the entire United States. Visit their website today at http://constantservices.webs.com and see how Constant Services can assist you in growing your business, or to get the true fill of how Constant  Services can assist you today call Shaun Constant direct 1-866-771-8922 Ext.114. With the Great Expansion of their business Constant Services will be offering ½ price web sites this month only. Do not miss out on the specials! Constant Services also offers Merchant Processing and can lower your current rates. This helps business owners save hundreds and even thousands of dollars monthly. Let Constant Services help you grow and save today! Stop throwing money away and bring some money in for a change! Visit Constant Services Product Page will give you a description of all of the services that they offer and prices. Don’t forget to contact them and get the assistance that you need today!