About |
CORSTEC, Inc. is one of well-known manufacturers of advanced optical products for scientific and industrial applications. Product portfolio includes variety of optical crystals such as nonlinear crystals BBO, LiNbO3, KD*P, laser crystals Nd:YVO4, acoustic-optical crystals, monochromating crystals TAM, PET and Raman crystals, etc.., as well as optics such as prisms, lenses, waveplates, windows, etc.., for almost all of optical applications.
As for BBO crystals, we have strong ability to grow and manufacture super long Z-cut BBO up to 35mm. The conventional Z-cut BBO dimensions are 3mm x 3mm x 20mm, 4mm x 4mm x 20mm.
What’s more, high quality “no water” LiNbO3 crystal is available from Corstec Inc. in large quantity.
As to monochromating crystals, we are able to supply high quality TAM crystal with great performance compared to that of PET crystal.
Besides the above highlights, we are also able to grow and supply super large size KDP crystals up to 430mm x 430mm for NIF project.
CORSTEC team includes industry veterans, bright young researches and engineers.
If you would like to contact us, just send us a quick e-mail to info@corstec.com and we'll be happy to answer all your questions.