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CricYo! is a highly engaging cricket match updates portal launched by
Enziq Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Enziq is a, innovation driven IT Company, based out of Delhi.
Apart from all cricketing updates under one roof, CricYo! presents first of its kind Prediction Engine that sets a new benchmark of user engagement in this breed of portals.
Join the action and get rewarded for your predictions in every match. Backed by our genuine partners and sponsors, there are prizes upto Rs. 1Lac to be won per match throughout the World Twenty20 Cup, Bangladesh 2014.
The word is spreading like a forest fire. Users are collecting reward points every minute. Don't get left behind. Start predicting now and win prizes. Total prize money for the series is around 50Lakh!!!
There is a lot at stake this World Twenty20 Cup! Are you game?