
You can quickly view a large database of available homes, condominiums, and townhouses for sale throughout the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin and even personalize your search to fit your specific needs. Access to the MLS is free as is the variety of other helpful tools on the website including mortgage calculators, reports for buyers and sellers, a free home evaluation for people interested to find out how much their home is worth in today’s hot real estate market and a very helpful just-listed e-mail notification service.

There are many qualities and skills that go into being an excellent real estate professional - integrity, in-depth community and market knowledge, marketing savvy, effective negotiation skills and a high-quality professional network, all of which are hallmarks of how we work.

That said, in our experience as Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin real estate professionals, we've also found that providing the very best service is essentially about putting our clients first. This means keeping ourselves accessible, being good listeners as well as good communicators, and responding quickly to your needs.

This "Client First" philosophy has always been our approach and it requires us to continually improve our other skills and ways of doing business.