
The “crypto” economy offers a lot of opportunities. Many are trying to take advantage of those. In the process, they realize there is an inherent complexity to getting involved in it as a result of the fundamentals upon which it is established, such as cryptography, but also other aspects, e.g. software and web development tools that are still under development themselves. The pace is rapid and following up all aspects of a given area of interest, may prove harder than initially thought of.

At any point, it is a good time to seek clarification on those issues, even guidance how to deal with or just another opinion so as to bring perspectives into the conversation.

As a consultant I offer you access to accumulated experience, knowledge and, in some cases, historical background of things that went wrong and should be avoided in the future. A brief list of available services follows:

General consultancy.

Project management and fundraising.

Intermediary Broker – Bitcoin over the counter.

Crypto wallets how to’s.

Decentralized finance.

Mining equipment and analysis.