
We have been helping curbers since 1986 and are the oldest continuous Manufacturer in the Industry
When CURB-KING first started building concrete landscape curb machines, We were building them for another manufacturer. When the other Manufacturer decided to go a different direction, the owner of CURB-KING Made the decision to start building his own curb machines. Because the owner was an engineer and manufacturer and now had experience installing landscape curbing, he was able to design and fix many of the problems he had encountered with other curb machines. He re-designed the curb machines with dual or twin augers instead of a single auger in order to produce the same compaction you could get with a plunger style machine and yet keep the smoothness you get from an auger style machine. He also designed lock down, swivel legs, high speed vibrating systems, orbital movement on the plungers, and other features to eliminate bridging and waste that other curb machines have. All of these features were patented so that the CURB-KING machines would be the only curb machines in the industry with these upgraded features.

Over the years, the owner used his engineering expertise, his manufacturing and Curb installation experience along with all the feedback from his customers to design the most efficient curbing equipment in the industry. CURB-KING manufactures it’s own curb machines, mortar mixers, curbing trailers and powered wheelbarrows right here at our own facility.

Whether you purchased your equipment from us or from another dealer, you’re always welcome to come here for training or contact us for assistance

Our training is performed by curbers who have 25 to 30 years experience installing Landscape curbing. You can spend an entire day with an actual crew on a real curbing job. You get to see the real deal. The second day of training is all “One on One”, “Hands on” Training from an experienced landscape curber. No large groups or sharing your time and space with other crews or individuals. It’s “personalized” just for you. You can go at your own speed and ask all the questions you want. You don’t have to worry about keeping up with or going to fast for the other guys or feeling intimidated for asking questions. It’s personalized just for you.