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At “David Oren Shepherd – Technology for your life” we bring you quick to read relevant articles focused on getting more from your technology. Most of our articles begin with a straight forward summary followed by all the gory, and sometimes complex, details and supporting information. With this format we provide you a quick scan option allowing you, in a matter of moments, to grasp what the article is about and then decide if you wish to dig deeper. And if you’re like me and forget easily, a summary at the top of an article can quickly refresh your memory and bring you that ‘ah ha’ or ‘I remember now’ moment. You can use the summary to refer to over and over again and dig into the details as needed. We mix it up with news, reviews, tips and techniques, humor and real-life ‘how to’ recipes. We’ll help keep you safe with articles like ‘Phishing – How to expose a fake PayPal message,’ or reviews on the latest security products.