
The early days of the Macrotality Corporation follows the rise of the technical sector of the world economy. It all began in 1988 when John Hiram received an e-mail from the son of an investment banker in Nigeria. The letter came as a complete surprise to him. It seems that the father, the investment banker, died in at the hands of revolutionaries, or was poisoned by associates, but before he died, he deposited 30 million U.S. dollars into a Swiss bank account. John Hiram was to call this man and give him a bank account where the money could be safely redeposited and restored to the family in Nigeria. John Hiram received 20% for his part in the transaction and with that money he invested in a legal multilevel marketing program. After this, his internet fortune was made, and he founded the Macrotality Corporation. The rest, as they say, is history.