
In 1000 BC the Egyptian Imhotep became so famous as a healer, that on his death, he was deified as the Egyptian God of Healing.

Records exist of the successes of the Greek healer Asclepius and many of his results would be classed as miracles by modern standards.

During the time of Jesus, the greatest spiritual healer in recorded history, many references to healing can be found in the Bible, in both the Old and New in his ministry where he cured both physical and spiritual illnesses – blindness, lameness, deafness, insanity, leprosy…

Spiritual Healing has its roots in ancient history from Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Jerusalem, and the Orient, where it was practiced in their temples of worship. In ancient civilizations, the early medical practitioners were priest-physicians that received their training in the temples and learned from temple scholars. The three salvations against illness, disease and death were religion, medicine and magic. However, since spiritual healing was considered supernatural, it was feared.

Spiritual healings deal with the divine souls energy channels (charkas/meridians). As a Spiritual Healer, I am here to transmute the darkness into light as many of those channels have become blocked & locked inside our mind and body with negative thoughts, beliefs and experiences. As the truth of the matter is, in order to stay healthy (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) we’ve got to keep the energy flowing freely.
Once healing occurs through the ideas I’m going to share with you, there’s a spiritual reconnection that takes place with your Higher Self. Possible side-effects include Joy, Peace and Enlightenment.

We offer great services. Contact us now! Dark Healing is all about Services! Dark Healing session harnesses and channels super-powerful light frequencies enabling Huge Shifts in your Body, Mind, and Spirit which will clear, heal, balance, and transform you and your life one session at a time. This session is infused with various forms of energy and spiritual healing techniques while guided by us. If you are seeking change from within and outside of you, then Dark Healing session is the key that will turn the lock to unleash your authentic truth, light, and true happiness. If you are ready to open the channels of transformation to your new beginning and life story, then look no further. Call today to schedule your session.