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$10,000.00 principal over the thirteen year period of time that our children are in public or private school at maturity even with a current 5.5% fixed interest from a SWISS postal or High interest UGMA will yield $20,057.74. With 2.5 Million children Graduating at a 4.0 GPA not only would we have so much more of a positive outlook for a future but Colleges, Trade schools and Universities around the country would be able to look forward to these new Graduating young adults having a foot in the door on tuition expenses not to mention $25 Billion recycling itself into the American economic structure.
To receive the full $10,000 principal our children would have to see a 4.0 GPA at graduation but with a motivational tool like this new stability in learning we could really be sure that we as a nation would not see ΒΌ of our high school graduates outside of the workforce and not continuing their education.
Even with a financial glance in the window of 6k or 4k that the B+ and B students would be receiving it would be more of a motivating factor of finishing High School with a more respectable GPA than just looking forward to a piece of paper and a possible promise because that is what we are investing in the thirteen years of the education of our children.
We want to have faith in our children getting good grades and wanting them to want to learn but what do we show them over time and as they are aging at least for these crucial thirteen years of learning? C O D organization wants to show them faith by what we are investing in them and by showing them what a good motivating factor can do for them by not only what we can do but by showing them what they can do with the right inspiration.
With $10,057.74 coming back to the organizational mother account through the interest yield from each child over the thirteen years they are in school, each child by graduation will have the ability to finance another contract by maturity along with the differences from the B+ and B accounts with disciplinary dues from the active contracts the organizations financial structuring will prove stable.
With everything happening in these ever changing moments of life the one thing we can always look forward to is change. Since change is the way of life it is our responsibility took make sure the change that happens is for the better. By structurally reinforcing our future today, we then have a more sound outlook for our very existence for tomorrow and this change is in our children they are our future. Not only would these accounts help our future in our children, the adults of tomorrow but because they had been given a chance at a better hope we can then say hope has a better chance. Our very existence in life depends on how we structure the minds of who we have an influence over, with stable pillars in a properly structured foundation our building of life as a people will have a better hope of existing by being able to exist. By properly motivating our children to seek knowledge that knowledge will make evident their love through understanding and a proper focus of understanding will prove to show the most powerful force in life. Whether for Science or Medicine History or Architecture let us be able to put in the minds of our children the will to exist, by studying we can show ourselves approved.