
Dee Jones PR & Consulting
With 20 years of experience & having a diverse background skill-set, Dee Jones understands what clients want in service. Dee Jones & Associates will meet the needs of every client with integrity and professionalism.

We are focused on building great working relationships and giving every client the attention deserved. Quality customer service and satisfaction is our number 1 priority!

This multi-talented industry professional gives 110% to every client she serves…”
As a Publicist, Dee has had her clients featured on: NBC, ABC, WGN, 1570AM, 1390AM, 1490AM, 107.5FM, WCIU, The Jam, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, NSpiration Mag, several online publications, blogs and more…
She purposely expanded her skill-set to utilize all her God-given talents and provide her clients with a "suite" of services in her arsenal.

Dee's experience includes but not limited to (as she is ALWAYS looking to learn more and do more):

*Public Relations/Publicist
*TV & Radio Show Hosting/Interviewing
*Reputation Management
*Acting (SAG-E actress)
*Production Staff (various roles)
*Media Liaison
*Brand Strategy
*Creative Writing (show creation, narratives, plays, story pitches, public statements)
*Modeling/Image Consultant
*Corporate/Company/Client brand awareness
*Project Management
*Casting (movies, plays, tv commercials)
*Communications liaison/strategist
*Marketing & Promotions
*Business Development
*Event Planning & Management
*Talent Scout
*Developing and executing impactful public relations campaigns
*Writing press releases