
DiscMail Direct is an industry coalition representing leading manufacturers, packagers, printers, envelope manufacturers and creative services companies involved in the use of optical media for direct mail applications.

The Coalition includes those companies that created the manufacturing and fulfillment infrastructure for today’s $40 billion home entertainment market and will focus its efforts on educating marketers, ad agencies and brand managers about the latest technology advancements and response rates of DVD, Blu-ray and CDs as complementary direct-mail mediums to print and online marketing.

The group is a member of the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) to advance this new digital advertising alternative.

DiscMail Direct Coalition is managed by the Media & Entertainment Services Alliance (MESA), the trade association that represents the world’s leading manufacturers, packagers and service providers for the home video, video game and music industries.

By using the same technology and supply chain skills and tools traditionally used by entertainment companies worldwide, in partnership with established direct mail marketers, MESA and the DiscMail Dierect Coalition intend to create an entirely new category of direct mail on optical disc.

For more information about DiscMail Direct visit www.DiscMailDirect.com or contact Guy Finley at: finley@discmaildirect.com or by calling: 1 (917) 513-5963